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STAY TUNED!! ... See MoreSee Less


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I wanna see Nick yelling again.


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*Overnight* - #DFDWorkingIncident - Dayton Fire crews are currently operating in the 800 block of Riverview Terrace for a structure fire. Crews had heavy fire in a 3-story apartment building. Rescue-1 removed 1 critical victim from the third floor. Multiple lines in operation. Eng-2, 17, 10, 8, Lad-13, 14, 11, Res-1, Med-13, 14, 2, 11, 10, ISU, CDC, WDC, EDC. Central Chief (Grubb) in Command. ... See MoreSee Less

Strong work from the members of Local 336! Job well done 💪🏽 ... See MoreSee Less

Strong work from the members of Local 336! Job well done 💪🏽Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Congratulations to all!

Great work!!

Outstanding effort!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

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Firefighting is certainly a physically demanding job, and it requires a strong work ethic to be proficient in every way. But it’s the intangibles… like honesty, accountability, and trust that will truly set you up to be successful in this career.

This job isn’t for everybody, but it is for somebody. Is it for you? Do you have what it takes? Let’s find out…
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7 CommentsComment on Facebook

This is the 2nd video I’ve seen - both are awesome

Stay safe and healthy. We thank you for your service, we truly do.

So very proud of each and everyone of you ! Yes TEAM… work!!!!

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Two members of #DaytonFire were recently recognized with the "EMS Person of the Year" award from the Greater Montgomery County Fire Chiefs Association. Paramedic Alissa Salyers and EMT Dai'lajuan Phillips were recognized for their exceptional technical skill, courage, and decisiveness when presented with a pediatric patient in full cardiac arrest in July 2024. Their actions that day directly saved the life of a young patient. They are pictured here with members of their crew. Congratulations! #WeLoveOurCity ... See MoreSee Less

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Fire Recruits: Police Recruits got a snow day. Can we get a snow day?

Instructors: Yea. Let’s go to the Zoo.

Fire Recruits: The Zoo?

The Zoo: 🐱 🐻 🦀 🐍
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I love our firefighters! They are our heroes! Fine! Courageous! Exemplify! Hardworking! And just Dynamite! 💯🔥💜💜💜

I don't think they are having a great time. Some of those exercises look difficult in the snow. I hope at the end, they were able to make snow angels & have a snowball fight. That's what makes it a good day out in the snow! My hat is off to you fellas. Keep up the good work! ❤️

Welcome to the world of no holidays off and no more snow days 😅 lol we gotta work in it one way or another.

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Thank you Dayton, Ohio - City Government for honoring our fallen public servants. These signs will remind us of their sacrifice and selflessness, and enshrine their memory in streets they once traversed. ... See MoreSee Less

Thank you Dayton, Ohio - City Government for honoring our fallen public servants. These signs will remind us of their sacrifice and selflessness, and enshrine their memory in streets they once traversed.Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

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Thank you for your kind words. Honoring the sacrifice and selflessness of our fallen public servants is the least we can do to preserve their legacy. These signs serve as a lasting tribute, reminding us all of their courage and dedication to our community.

I always have "two" Budweisers in Rick's honor on 3/21. Rick never had just "one". RIP Rick. You are missed.

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The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment facility specializing in PTSD for IAFF members – and IAFF members only – who are struggling with addiction, PTSD other related behavioral health challenges to receive the help they need in taking the first steps toward recovery. It is a safe haven for members to talk with other members who have faced or overcome similar challenges.